CAIR Lab, IIT Mandi, India | Computer vision Intern
Mar 23 - Jun 23
Tech: Python,Pytorch, Data Analysis, Deep learning - Proposed a deep learning (LSTM) based method to to detect the faults Occurred in Motor and Pump by using the collected vibration data from a sensor motor.
- Minimized the Mean Square Error Rate as 3.01537.

Playpower Foundation, Gujurat, India | Deep learning Intern
Jun 22 - Aug 22
Tech: Python, Keras,Deep learning, Computer vision, Tickmark Recognition- Developed a tickmark recognition model that can check MCQ options ticked by students in tests. We created image classification models to do the task. Our system properlsucessfully detected whether students ticked the box or whether it was blank or Was there any scratch marks or not. Our current model only predicts whether a given checkbox has a tick or not (binary classifier).
- Achieved 96% accuracy in tickmark recognition tasks, respectively.